FSSAI Cracks Down on E-commerce: Ensures Accurate Labeling of Health & Energy Drinks

FSSAI reports nowadays, most people are making energy drink a part of their daily life as its consumption reenergizes the body and eradicates fatigue and exhaustion. The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) has asked all e-commerce (FBOs) Food Business Operators to ensure appropriate categorization of foods product sold on their websites. The FSSAI has been observed that the products like dairy based beverages mixes, cereal -based beverage mixes or malt-based beverages being inaccurately categorized as health drinks on e-commerce sites.

Also, the e-commerce platforms to accurately clarify products listed as health and energy drinks on websites was directed by India food safety regulator. The move is aimed at enchanting clarity and transparency about the nature and functional benefits of these products said by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). This initiative to help consumers make informed decision and avoid misinformation, the regulator said.

FSSAI has advised the all-e-commerce food business operators or FBOs that to promptly rectify this misclassification by removing or de-linking such drinks or beverages from the category of health drinks or energy drinks on their websites and place such provided in the appropriate category as provided under the extant law it in the statement said. The authority and the FSS act 2006 subsequent rules and regulations to clarified that the term health drink lacks a definition or standardization.

More about FSSAI on E-commerce platforms

Additionally, the use of term energy drinks is restricted to products officially licensed under the Food Category System (FCS) codes like 14.14.1 and, which concern to carbonated and non-carbonated or water based flavored drinks. These are standardized under sub-regulations 2.10.6 (2) of the food Product Standards and Food Additives regulations 2011, specifically for caffeinated beverages The regulations involve cooling temperature and times, transportation, logistics, the identification of labeling, quality of the food safety of the food.

E-commerce, driven by enterprise resource planning (ERP) integration, helps companies accomplish their tasks easily. It is essential to implement time and information management in order to reduce wasted and improve the quality of perishable foods upon delivery.

The food and beverage industry, the e-commerce requires an online sales portal that is fully integrated with all business ‘s vital data with ERP system. Consumers taking a more organic approach to their food choices while shifting towards a digitalized dining experience. As per FSSAI standards non-alcoholic beverages having caffeine more than 145 mg per liter. And caffeine level must not cross 300 ppm and saccharin sodium not be beyond 100 pm also Neotame is 33 ppm, Methyl ester must not exceed 770 ppm.

It is mandatory thing that Hazard analysis needs to happen periodic interval to analyze whether the beverages are as per FSSAI standards. Also, for getting license there is a need for FSSAI standards and guidelines. It has directed a limit of maximum one level of RDA in serving on day-to-day basis (100% Recommended Daily Allowance) that concerning usage of VITAMINS like B3, B2, B12, B1.

The manufactures should go on making a declaration as per day consumable quality. though all the products including acesulfame aspartame the provision prescribed under regulations 2.4.5- FSSAI (Packaging and labelling) in regulations in year 2011.

Therefore, Food companies engrossed in manufacturing, marketing along with drinks, energy drinks import must comply with these standards and rules & regulations prescribed there.  also, it is mandatory FSSAI license for energy drinks in India.

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The implementation of FSSAI standards would ensure the safety of consumers. The experts at Corbis helps energy drinks business by attaining FSSAI Registration and FSSAI license for energy drinks in India.

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